
Food/Nutrition Columnist
Food And The Holidays – You Can Navigate The Eating Maze
Nov 24, 2014 - 8:47:25 AM

( - Short of heading for a deserted island between Thanksgiving and New Year's, what's the game plan for staying on a diet during the holidays? The game plan never changes - negotiate. That's why it works. Any time in any place that you face food there is a way to negotiate an option. First, set a simple goal. Maintaining your weight during the holidays is a simple and realistic goal and an achievement to be applauded.

A study ( done in collaboration with the Medical University of South Carolina and the National Institutes of Health showed that the typical holiday weight gain was little more than a pound, far less than most expected. The researchers concluded that the 5-plus pounds people expect they'll gain are a myth. Another study ( from Texas Tech University showed that the average holiday weight gain was no more than 1.5 pounds. Appreciate that research indicates trends not specifics, so if you use the holidays as an excuse, you could be the five-pound exception rather than the one-pound rule. The researcher also noted that even if the holiday weight gain was small, when it isn't lost in subsequent months it could become cumulative, year after year, and would be enough to account for a middle-age spread of 10 pounds in a decade.

There is no question that the holidays are tough and it may be hard to keep losing weight but you most definitely shouldn't gain.

If you host the party:

When you're the guest:

Most important -- don't take the holidays lying down. Keep your exercise program going. After a big holiday meal, do the dishes, take a walk, or play with the kids. Lying down or napping not only slows down the calories you'll burn and but it speeds up the possibility of heartburn. If you eat it and don't burn it, you will sit on it!

© NRH Nutrition Consultants, Inc.

Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian and the author of the nutrition counter series for Pocket Books with sales of more than 8.5 million books.

Look for:

The Diabetes Counter, 5th Ed., 2014

The Fat and Cholesterol Counter, 2014

The Most Complete Food Counter, 3rd ed., 2013

The Calorie Counter, 6th Ed., 2013

The Complete Food Counter, 4th ed., 2012

The Protein Counter, 3rd Ed., 2011

The Ultimate Carbohydrate Counter, 3rd Ed., 2010

The Healthy Wholefoods Counter, 2008

Your Complete Food Counter App:

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